
Web Development

Web Development Online Certification Course - Learn with Acceleraton. Training institute in Pune & Kolkata
Course Info

A fresher finds difficulties to answer What is Web Development? To answer the question with proper career guidance and grooming , IT Experts from Acceleratron created a roadmap and formulates a platform with the course of web development training where they groom a fresher to be recognized as a Web Developer and Web Designer.

As individuals progress through Acceleratron's comprehensive web development training , they unlock the full potential of front-end as well as full stack expertise. Navigating the web development landscape becomes seamless as learners explore not only the theoretical foundations but also engage in hands-on projects. Acceleratron's holistic approach to technical trainings , paired with hands-on experiences , sets the stage for individuals to not only understand but to emerge as proficient web developers and designers ready for the ever-evolving industry demands.
During this course journey , a candidate acquires in-depth knowledge about:

  • HTML & CSS Fundamentals
  • JavaScript and Front-End Frameworks
  • Servlet/JSP
  • Java Query/jQuery
  • Database
  • Core Java
  • Microservices
  • Our Course also includes Software management tools:

  • Agile Methodology of Working
  • Bitbucket
  • Software Testing
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Live Project, etc.

This course also includes a personality development package.
Acceleratron's approach not only focuses on technical skills but also emphasizes soft skills , communication, and problem-solving abilities. By following this roadmap and participating in hands-on projects , a fresher can gain practical experience and build a portfolio that showcases their capabilities as a web developer and designer.
Through mentorship , real-world projects , and a supportive learning environment , Acceleratron aims to groom individuals into well-rounded professionals ready to contribute effectively in industry. The combination of technical expertise , practical experience , and a holistic approach to skill development positions Acceleratron as a valuable resource for those aspiring to embark on a successful career in web development. With the completion of the curriculum , the candidate will receive a course completion certificate and have a complete industrial orientation on Web Development.