Database - Oracle / SQL Server

Course Overview

Oracle SQL is one of the most widely used database management system around the world. It's well suited to power primarily commercial and enterprise applications, and is particularly popular at large companies with mission-critical databases. Mastering Oracle SQL is therefore guaranteed to open exciting opportunities. In this course, you will get an introduction to Oracle SQL solving business problems for a digital media store. You will first learn how to access, retrieve and restrict data. You will then perform aggregation and combine tables. The last chapter will have you handle missing values and convert data. By the end of this course, you will understand how Oracle processes SQL queries and will have a solid foundation in Oracle SQL.

Course Contents

  • Introduction to SQL
  • Introduction to Data Definition Language
  • Datatypes
  • Constraints
  • Managing Tables using DML statements
  • Retrieving Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
  • Introduction to Transaction Control Language (TCL).
  • Comparison and logical operators.
  • Arithmetic operations
  • Restricting and Sorting Data
  • Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
  • Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
  • Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
  • Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins
  • Subqueries -retrieving data
  • Creating and managing Views
Acceleratron: Propel Your Career with Database and SQL Mastery! Enroll Now for Comprehensive Training and Certification in Database Management and SQL. Elevate Your Skills for Career Advancement.



As a matter of fact, this doesn't require any major pre-requisites, you can learn the concepts on the go, but still if you have management degree on operation or Finance , it will be easier for you to grasp the concepts.

How We Coach

Acceleratron researched that basic and advanced courses are majorly available in urban cities. Which are unavailable for rural candidates. If any candidate wants to take these courses, then they must stay temporarily in cities. Also, they send a lot of time, energy & money during their daily convenience.

To overcome all these situations, we deliver our course through virtual classes. During our interactive sessions, we engage our students with discussions & project module development. Acceleratron learning process is divided into two parts, viz. knowledge gathering and skill development. Teachers & coaches deliver knowledge within the virtual interactive class. During these classes, students are provided with assignments which is a time-bound activity. Once the information delivery of a subject is complete, they engage with project module development. Projects are developed in small groups. Mentors govern this group activity to demonstrate the deployment life cycle along with the project development.

Our Sessions

Our sessions are 2 hours long. The entire course takes approximately 36 Hrs. Every week three classes are organized, which include two technical class and one practical class. These classes are scheduled on Monday, Tuesday & Friday. Mostly these sessions are arranged in the late evening to avoid any schedule conflicts with professionals and students. Candidate should also be available for the group activities like project discussion, project status meeting. On regular intervals (biweekly/monthly), we take feedback from our students to maximize the effectiveness of our learning process.

Journey with Acceleratron

Journey with Acceleratron starts from enrolment of a candidate through online enrolment form. During enrolment, each candidate pays enrolment fees*. Once enrolled, candidates will go through an intake discussion. We capture a few details about the candidate during this discussion.

We start with our course delivery. At this point, candidates don't pay us any tuition fees*. After the first week, if the candidate is unhappy, we don't charge any tuition fees*, else he pays the entire tuition fees*. After the completion of the first month (started from the first class of the curriculum), If the candidate wants to continue with our course, then he pays the final instalment.

We tailored our course in slots so that the candidates can always have an option to withdraw, without any financial loss.

* The fees structure varies with the country from which the candidate is joining. Please contact Acceleratron help desk or your referee to get more insight on our fees structure.

Learning Outcomes & Exit Profiles

After the completion of this course, candidates would be able to

  • Appear for the certification exams
  • They will be able to design database and create relationship between tables of the database
  • They will have a project experience