
AI & Cybersecurity

AI in Cybersecurity

Artificial Intelligence has transformed the world of cybersecurity by providing advanced protection against cyber attacks. AI-based solutions have become a necessity to protect digital assets. In this blog, we will discuss the use of AI in cybersecurity, its merits, and its demerits.

Defensive Security:

i. Threat Analysis: AI-based cybersecurity solutions use algorithms to detect and analyze potential danger. These algorithms can adapt to new threats, making them more effective in detecting and preventing cyber-attacks based on previous data it enhances itself.

ii. Malware detection: AI can determine and prevent malware attacks by analyzing signatures in code and behavior. They can also determine new and unknown malware signatures by comparing them with known malware signatures.

iii. Network security: AI can monitor network traffic and detect malicious activity. This helps in identifying cyberattacks, such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, Botnets (Web Based Penetration Tests), etc.

Offensive Security:

i. Penetration testing: AI assists ethical hackers by identifying weaknesses in a system or network by simulating various cyber attacks by itself based on defensive security data. AI penetration testing can identify hidden vulnerabilities in a system/server that may be missed by traditional detecting methods.

ii. Password cracking: Cracking passwords by analyzing user behavior and guessing passwords based on patterns. This helps in identifying weak passwords and improving overall security.

On the Dark Side:

AI possesses the power to exploit password-protected data by brute-forcing based on the input provided about the target, Having the potential to bypass ip blocking by using active proxies (sock5).

AI can be used to automate the process of determining vulnerabilities in a system/server and launching attacks on its own. Making it easier for cybercriminals to perform malicious activity, which can cause massive damage to the targeted systems.

AI can also analyze public data to create profiles of targets easier for cybercriminals to use this data to create customized social engineering attacks, which are difficult to detect.

AI-based cybersecurity solutions are necessary for organizations to protect their digital assets from cyber-attacks, Whereas it has disadvantages too. As AI provided a boost to cybersecurity it also provided a massive lift-up for Black Hats leveling the playing field.